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ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay

ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay: Key Features and Benefits for Fuse Failure Monitoring.

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The ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay is a high-speed static relay designed for continuous monitoring of fuse failures in one, two, or three-phase systems. It features fast operation, multi-phase detection, energy-efficient design, and a user-friendly LED indication, making it essential for safeguarding critical electrical systems.

Overview of ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay

In today’s complex electrical systems, the role of protection devices is crucial to ensuring operational stability and safety. Among these, fuse failure relays play an indispensable part by providing continuous monitoring of fuses. Also, preventing potential mishaps due to fuse blowing out or inadvertent removal. One of the standout solutions in this domain is the ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay. This high-speed static relay is designed to detect fuse failures across one, two, or all three phases, offering a robust safeguard for critical electrical systems.

The ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay is a state-of-the-art fuse failure relay engineered to offer real-time monitoring of fuses in electrical circuits. By detecting the slightest anomalies in fuse performance. This relay ensures that electrical systems remain protected from unexpected shutdowns or damage. The relay is designed with user-friendly features such as a plug-in socket-type terminal design. Also, which simplifies installation and maintenance processes. Its ability to monitor multiple phases simultaneously makes it an ideal choice for industrial and commercial applications where reliability and safety are paramount.

ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay

Key Features of ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay

  • High-Speed Operation: One of the most critical aspects of the ABB UVT92M is its high-speed operation. In the event of a fuse failure, the relay responds almost instantaneously, ensuring that the system is alerted without delay. However, this rapid response time is crucial in preventing further damage to the system. And as it allows for quick corrective actions to be taken. With such speed, the relay provides a high level of protection, minimizing the risk of prolonged exposure to fault conditions.
  • Multi-Phase Monitoring: The ABB UVT92M is capable of monitoring fuse failures in one, two, or all three phases. This flexibility allows it to be used in a variety of applications, from single-phase systems to more complex three-phase setups. The ability to monitor multiple phases simultaneously ensures comprehensive protection, making it suitable for use in critical environments where even a single-phase failure can lead to significant disruptions.
  • No Continuous Drain on D.C. Auxiliary Supply: Unlike many other relays that continuously draw power from the D.C. auxiliary supply. ABB UVT92M is designed to operate without placing a continuous load on the supply. This feature not only conserves energy but also reduces the overall burden on the system, leading to more efficient operation. It ensures that the relay remains operational without imposing unnecessary strain on the power supply. Which is particularly beneficial in systems where power conservation is a priority.
  • Hand Reset LED Operation Indication: The relay is equipped with a hand reset LED operation indicator. However, providing clear visual feedback in the event of a fuse failure. This feature is particularly useful for maintenance personnel, as it allows them to quickly identify and address fuse failures. The LED indicator remains latched until the reset push button is pressed, ensuring that any issues are promptly attended to.

Technical Specifications of ABB UVT92M

Understanding the technical specifications of the ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay is essential for determining its suitability for various applications. Below are some of the key technical details:

  • Model No: UVT92M
  • Relay Type: UVT92M SUPERVISION
  • Auxiliary Voltage: 110V AC, 50 Hz, 30/110/220 V DC
  • Type of Mounting: Flush mounting
  • Contact Configurations: 2NO+0NC/ 1NO+1NC
  • Typical Applications: Fuse Failure Supervision

These specifications highlight the versatility and adaptability of the UVT92M relay. And making it suitable for a wide range of electrical systems.

Applications of ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay

The ABB UVT92M Relay is designed for continuous monitoring of fuses, ensuring that any failure or inadvertent removal is detected promptly. This capability is vital in environments where the failure of a fuse can lead to incorrect tripping or system shutdowns. The relay can be employed in various applications, including:

  • Potential Transformer Fuse Supervision: In power systems, the failure of potential transformer fuses can result in erroneous signals being sent to voltage-operated protection schemes. The ABB UVT92M prevents this by providing supervision of these fuses, ensuring that the system remains stable and protected. By detecting potential fuse failures, the relay can send blocking signals to protection schemes such as distance protection, under-impedance, and under-voltage relays. This prevents incorrect tripping and maintains the integrity of the protection system.
  • Synchronizing Circuits: The ABB UVT92M Relay can also be used for alarming purposes in synchronizing circuits. In applications where accurate synchronization is critical. And any fuse failure can disrupt the process, leading to potential damage or system instability. The relay provides real-time monitoring, ensuring that any issues are detected and addressed before they can impact the synchronization process. This application is particularly important in systems where precise timing and coordination are essential.
  • Alarming and Indication: The ABB UVT92M relay is designed to provide clear and immediate indication of fuse failures through its LED indicator. This feature is particularly useful in applications where continuous monitoring is required, as it allows for quick identification of issues. The relay’s alarming capability ensures that any fuse failure is immediately brought to the attention of the maintenance team, allowing for prompt corrective action. This enhances the overall reliability and safety of the electrical system.

Design and Principle of Operation

The ABB UVT92M Relay is a high-speed static relay with built-in electromechanical output relays. These relays provide two changeover signaling duty contacts, ensuring reliable communication of fuse failure events. The relay operates by monitoring the potential across the fuses. During normal operation, this potential is nearly zero. However, when a fuse failure occurs in any phase, the potential across the affected fuse increases, triggering the relay circuit.

This potential drives the external LED indication and relay output, providing a clear signal of the fuse failure. The ‘Trip’ LED remains latched until the reset push button is pressed and the faulty fuse is replaced. This design ensures that any fuse failure is promptly indicated, allowing for quick resolution of the issue. The plug-in socket design for terminals further facilitates ease of installation and maintenance, making the UVT92M a user-friendly solution for fuse failure monitoring.

Supervision Relay and Its Importance

Beyond fuse failure monitoring, supervision relays play a crucial role in ensuring the reliability of electrical systems. The ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay, like other supervision relays, is designed to continuously monitor the circuit breaker trip circuit, providing alarms for various faults. These faults may include loss of auxiliary supply, faults in the trip coil or its wires, faults in the breaker auxiliary contacts, and faults in the supervision relay itself.

In normal conditions, the supervision relay’s indicator LED glows green, and the output relays remain in a picked-up condition. However, in the event of a fault, the relay operates (drops off) after a delay of 0.6 seconds, and the indicator LED turns red. However, this delayed operation prevents spurious signals during circuit breaker operation, ensuring that only genuine faults are indicated. The supervision relay’s role in continuously monitoring the trip circuit is vital, as a failure in this circuit can lead to incorrect tripping or failure to trip in the event of a fault.


The ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay is an essential tool for ensuring the reliability and safety of electrical systems. Its advanced features, including high-speed operation, multi-phase monitoring, and energy-efficient design, make it a superior choice for fuse failure monitoring. The relay’s ability to detect even minor fuse failures ensures that electrical systems remain protected from unexpected shutdowns or damage.

By incorporating the ABB UVT92M into your electrical system, you can enhance the reliability of your protection schemes, prevent incorrect tripping, and maintain system stability. Whether you’re supervising potential transformer fuses, synchronizing circuits, or simply need a reliable fuse failure monitoring solution, the ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay provides the performance and dependability you need.

In summary, the ABB UVT92M Relay is not just a fuse failure relay; it’s a comprehensive solution designed to safeguard your electrical systems from potential hazards. Its ease of installation, advanced features, and robust design make it a valuable addition to any power system, ensuring continuous protection and peace of mind.

At Digital & Smart Grid Enterprises, we take pride in being a pioneering ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay Supplier and exporters of the top-tier ABB REU615 IEC Voltage Protection and Control Numerical Relay. Our commitment lies in providing customized relay solutions that cater to diverse industry needs. Whether you have inquiries or are looking to make a purchase, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for ABB UVT92M Supervision Relay Price at +917021624024 or via email at With our profound expertise in ABB Auxiliary Relays, we assure steadfast support every step of the way. Explore our extensive range by clicking here for more information.