

A new benchmark for safeguarding your priceless possessions

For generators, prime movers, and step-up transformers in hydro, pump-storage, gas, combined cycle, steam, and cogeneration stations, REG670 IED (Intelligent Electronic Device) offers protection and monitoring. With its exceptional performance, adaptability, and scalability, it meets the strict standards for both new installations and retrofits anywhere in the world.

With REG670, generator protection is elevated to a new level of performance thanks to Hitachi Energy’s vast experience. One IED can have both primary and backup protection with up to 24 analog inputs. As an alternative, more items, like transformers, can be covered by the generator protection policy. This makes it possible for the protection in Main 1 and Main 2 to be fully duplicated. Because of these properties, fewer IEDs are required to safeguard the entire producing station, which simultaneously increases availability. This consequently makes installation easier and lowers lifespan costs for commissioning, upkeep, and replacement parts. Intelligent fault criteria are also incorporated into the operation of REG670, providing unparalleled selectivity and sensitivity.

Additionally, REG670 can offer integrated sub-synchronous resonance protection for turbo generators through the use of a cutting-edge and novel filtering approach.

A generator protection strategy that complies with REG670 is the most reliable and available option. With an average operation time of 15 ms, the generator differential protection offers very quick detection criteria with good security.

REG670 has a wide range of features, including 100% stator and rotor earth-fault prevention based on injection and 100% stator earth-fault protection based on third harmonic. These technologies open up a new avenue for optimizing the protection system’s cost-performance ratio concerning the significance or scale of the generating station. Through the creative use of the injection concept, Hitachi Energy enables injection through either an open-delta VT at the generator terminals or a neutral point VT. The protection system is simple to design, install, and commission as neither the primary circuit nor the grounding resistor requires modification. High sensitivity and security are provided by the differential approach used in the 3rd harmonic-based 100% stator earth-fault protection. This guarantees proper operation even under low-load circumstances.

Relion: Total assurance

safeguarding the generator Members of the Relion protection and control product family are the IEDs REG670 and REG650. The largest selection of products for power system protection, control, measurement, and supervision is provided by the Relion product family. The fundamental principles of the IEC 61850 standard have been implemented into the design of Relion products to guarantee future-proof and interoperable solutions. With Hitachi Energy’s cutting-edge technology, extensive application knowledge, and skilled support network, you can be positive that your system will operate dependably under any circumstances.